
Friday, August 12, 2016

Digital Asssets for Everyone

World's 1st Refundable ICO: August 8 - September 7 , 2016
ICO website:

ICO Escrow:2-of-3 Multi-Signature BTC Wallet

Antshares have partnered up with two trusted and reputable institution which will get one key to the multi-signature wallet each.
 -, Chinese famous mining & BTC wallet provider. This 2-of-3 multi-signature is powered by HaoBTC, too.
 -, Digital Assets Coalition Asia. It was initiated by the companies of : OKCoin, BTCC, HuoBi, BTCTRADE, YuanbaoHui, BITMAIN, and some well-known experts :Yang Linke, Han Feng, Liao Xiang, Hu Hongjie, etc . Asia BlockChain DACA Association is committed to serve the Bitcoin and Blockchain development in Asia area.

Antshares is a decentralized and distributed ledger protocol that digitalizes real-world assets into digital ones, enabling registration, depository, transfer, trading, clearing and settlement via a peer-to-peer network.

Antshares keeps records of the transfers of digital assets with e-contracts. In Antshares, digital tokens generated by e-contracts function as general underlying data and could be used for recording titles and assets like equities, creditor’s claims, securities, financial contracts, credit points, bills and currencies, and could be applied for areas like equity crowdfunding, equity trading, employee stock ownership plans, peer-to-peer financing, loyalty programs, private equity funds, and supply-chain financing, etc.

understand antshares in 90 seconds

Linking the Real-World with Compliance

- Replacing Tokens with E-Contracts
The transfer on Antshare is conducted in the form the e-contracts. In most cases, the transfer of assets requires the digital signatures signed with the private keys from both the sender and the receiver. In certain cases, an extra signature from the issuer of the asset is required. Recording transfers of assets on the Antshare is merely an onchain solution of the transfer of offchain assets. There are no new legal relationships that parties could enter into, so unlike the tokenization, flaws in laws are eliminated.

- User-Controlled Identity Authentication

Antshare employs digital certificate to perform user identity authentication. Users (individuals or institutions) may apply for digital certificates from the certificate authority (CA) to prove the correlation between the identity and the public key controlled. CAs will not be appointed by Antshare, but freely chosen by the parties of a trade. For example, Chinese users may choose any one of the 38 CAs recognized by the MIIT, or choose the company who registered the equity to be the CA, to perform identity authentication and issue the certificate.Rather than the X.509 digital certificate solution, Antshare employs blockchain to maintain the certificate revocation list and is set to gradually develop a blockchain-based digital certificate and identity authentication solution.

Meeting the Demands of Financial Trades

- Certainty Bookkeeping without Forks
Antshares uses Joint mode for bookkeeping. Joint mode is advantageous over consistency and finality, it requires nodes to authenticate themselves to achieve a weak trust from other nodes.

- We Use Fiat Currency
Crypto-currencies like bitcoin could deliver a sound function as the medium of exchange, i.e. users may transfer assets globally via bitcoin. However, inflexible supply of crypto-currencies makes them highly volatile in price and jeopardizes their capacity to function as bookkeeping units and value storage. Antshare uses fiat currency internally.

- The Division of Labor of Nodes and their Professionalization
With Antshare, our design goal is to have a clear division of the system’s workload. Bookkeeping nodes are at the center of the Antshare Blockchain. They are trusted by the holders of AntShares in reaching consensus and generating new blocks. Full nodes are critical participants of the Antshare network. They are run by service providers to store complete historical data and detect and relay transactions.

Highly Scalable Framework Design

- Low Latency, High Throughput and Pluggable
At the moment, the block generating rate is manually set at 15 seconds. With low enough latency in inter-nodes connection in the future, most blocks will be generated by every 1 second. With the bandwidth at 100Mbit/t and external cryptographic computing hardware, the Antshare Blockchain is capable of handling thousands, if no tens of thousands, of transactions per second.

- Hierarchical Design and Superconducting Transaction
Our hierarchical design places the order-book-keeping and order-matching functions on the second layer while achieving the full trading capacity through a mechanism called superconducting transaction.

dBFT Consensus Algorithm
 - to be edited

1st refundable ICO (rICO) in the World
 - to be edited

TAT - The Antshares Team (full-time members)

Technical members:

DA hongfei
CEO & Founder
Crypto-currency evangelist since 2011, key opinion leader in China's crypto-currency/blockchain community

ZHANG Zhengwen
CTO & Founder
Former key bitcoin developer at huobi exchange

LI Jun
14 years financial IT experience, incl. infosys & China Financial Futures Exchange

CHEN Zhitong
Former bitcoin developer at huobi exchange

LIN Pengtao
Former bitcoin developer at huobi exchange

FAN Shoushou
QA Engineer

Business members:

TAO Rongqi
Business Strategy
Former marketing officer at BTCC with years of experience incl. Standard Chartered, China UnionPay, etc

YANG Wentao
Business Development
Left Morgen Stanley in Baltimore to join the antshares team, Master of Sci. in Finance at Johns Hopkins

WANG Tingting
Social media marketing expert

LUO Tian
Business Development
Former BTCC marketing officer

ZHAO Xiaoling
Graduated from the top journalism school in China, Fudan University

Antshares Blog
 - Bounty Hunter Wanted! Claim your Antshares NOW!
We have our ICO rules here:
Our short video here:   (Our investment process changed a little bit from what's shown in the video to make it more user friendly, process shown in video is just for reference)

ICO Rules Highlight
 - 20 million ANS will be issued; in addition, a 4 million ANS weighted reward (early bird reward), amounting 20% and 4% of the total ANS respectively, or 40% and 8% of the volume in circulation of the first year.
 - This ICO does not have a pre-set price. The price shall be determined by the market. The ANS distribution will be proportional to the investment. To calculate: ANS received by a participant= (BTC invested by the participant/all valid BTC investment)*20,000,000*weighted factor.
 - A 120% factor is rewarded to those who participate between Aug. 8th and Aug. 13th. Beginning on Aug. 14th, the weighted factor will decrease by 1% each day until the termination of the ICO. For example, the factor will be 119% on Aug. 14th, 118% on Aug. 15th, 117% on Aug. 16th, and finally 100% on Sept. 2nd
 - When the ICO terminates on Sept. 7th, 2016(Beijing Time), ICO participants could have the option of continuing or quitting based on the general conditions of the funds raised.
 - When a refund takes place, 100% of the bitcoins invested by the participant shall be refunded to the bitcoin address designated by the participant in his/her refund application. The refund option will become unavailable upon the formal release of Antshares software, which is under development
 - The refund policy does not support a partial refund and is not revocable once applied.

Antshare Press Coverage & Syndication
2016-06-29 超级账本中国首次公开见面会,探讨区块链行业标准制定
2016-06-28 Onchain与微软合作探索区块链应用,小蚁二期众筹将于七月开启
2016-05-23 Onchain小蚁加盟“超级账本”,参与制定区块链国际标准
2016-04-07 Onchain发布小蚁共识算法白皮书
2015-11-02 10天2100个比特币,小蚁股众筹你“抢”到了吗?
2015-10-09 小蚁众筹目标公布,2100BTC致敬中本聪?

Antshare in Other Language
- German Thanks starsnshamrocks
- Russion Thanks knobson
- French Thanks kaicrypzen
- Italian Thanks Gianluca95
- Indonesia Thanks barnes13
- Slovenian Thanks Simple858
- Greek Thanks CoinBreader
- Polish Thanks Ebrelus
- Malayalam Thanks ether19
- Portuguese Thanks jpdorn
- Romanian Thanks ltcrstrbrt
- Dutch Thanks LitcoinCollector

Antshare on ICO Research Sites
- Smithandcrown
- ICOCountdown


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